
2016 Colon Cancer Awareness

“March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month so there is no better time than now to spread the word on the importance of colon cancer screening.  This is a cancer that can be beat and often can be prevented with routine screening exams.  A colonoscopy is a painless procedure that can literally save your life.”  Matthew ...

By |2016-03-01T11:27:37-06:00March 1, 2016|colon cancer, colonoscopy|

Colon Cancer Awareness 2015

Since March is colon cancer awareness month, I wanted to take the opportunity to further promote awareness of this treatable and preventable cancer in Plano TX.  According to the Colon Cancer Alliance, colon cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer and the second leading cause of cancer death in men and women combined in ...

By |2015-03-05T15:57:23-06:00March 1, 2015|colon cancer, colonoscopy|

Open Access Colonoscopy – Saves Time & Money!

What is an Open Access Colonoscopy? An Open Access Colonoscopy is a colonoscopy procedure that does not require the patient to have an office visit with their Plano, TX gastroenterologist prior to their procedure. The exchange of all needed pre-procedural information is done over the phone. This saves the patient both the time and the ...

By |2014-08-12T13:10:51-05:00July 18, 2014|colonoscopy|

What are Quality Indicators for Colonoscopy?

What are the best Quality Indicators for Colonoscopy in Plano, TX? Patients often wonder how they know if their physician is appropriately trained and practices quality medicine.   This information is often not available, is difficult to interpret, or is unreliable.  Several studies have been done to help patient’s determine which measures of quality provide the ...

By |2018-02-12T08:56:41-06:00July 17, 2014|colonoscopy|
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