9 Reasons To See A Gastroenterologist Immediately

You don’t have to look far to see the importance of gut health being discussed. It seems everywhere we turn someone is talking about the gut microbiome and how incredibly important it is for our well-being. This is because your gut is the home of your immune system, over 40 trillion microorganisms, and is an ...

By |2020-02-20T14:36:11-06:00January 29, 2018|bloating, bowel movements, colonoscopy, digestive health, SIBO|

SIBO – Are Bacteria Making Me Bloated?

What is SIBO? National Center for Biotechnology Information defines small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) as the presence of excessive bacteria in the small intestine. In most patients, SIBO is not caused by a single type of bacteria, but is an overgrowth of the various types of bacteria that are commonly found in the colon. The ...

By |2017-04-05T09:15:58-05:00July 23, 2015|bloating, digestive health, SIBO|
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